Abstract submission deadline
October 3, 2019
Abstracts for the Congress:
Participants are encouraged to submit an abstract for review by the Scientific Committee. The Committee reserves the right to select the abstracts relevant to the Congress Program. The Committee will accept a maximum 1 abstract for poster display per presenting author. Abstracts will be included in the final schedule only on receipt of registration fees.
Before you begin, please prepare the following information:
- Title of the abstract and chosen topic
- Family names and names of all authors
- Details of affiliation of all author(s); institution, city, country
- Contact details of the presenting author (email, tel., fax)
Please note: Abstracts cannot exceed 300 words.
About abstract submission:
Be sure that all changes, corrections and proofreading have been carried out before submitting. Please note: You will be able to update and/or make changes to your submitted abstract using your email address and password which will be provided for you upon completing your submission, until the submission deadline date.
If you have any questions, please contact the secretariat at cogen@cme-congresses.com, mentioning your name and abstract title.